àngels barcelona focuses on the debate of contemporary culture and art practices
Conscious of the educational dimension of the artistic projects, àngels barcelona develops a wide range of activities that include workshops, conferences, curated visits, screenings, artists talks, and in-gallery internship programs as well as a Video Channel.
The activities are organized in collaboration with universities, art schools, different academic programs, national and international cultural institutions and cultural associations.
C/ Pintor Fortuny, 27 Barcelona
La galería Àngels Barcelona acoge la exposición 1888, un proyecto del fotógrafo Jorge Ribalta (Barcelona, 1963) realizado entre 2012 y 2013 gracias a una serie...
Àngels Barcelona presenta hasta el 31 de julio Video Fields, un nuevo proyecto de Michael Snow (Toronto, Canadá, 1928), artista multidisciplinar y una de la figuras...